Learning to Love Myself | Week 8 of 52 {Shadows}

{Shadows} Week 8 of 52 of my Project 52

Photography is for me, a medium unique to any other, both magical and therapeutic, allowing me to express myself and also reflect others’ inherent beauty back to them, all whilst suspending a moment in time for all time.

As a child, I was afraid of my own shadow.  I was paralyzed by shyness and shrank away from any new situation.  I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by anxiety.  It’s not fun.  It’s miserable.  It’s exhausting. 

Lucky for me, and anyone else who may struggle with the same, it is entirely and absolutely possible to change.  You do not have to accept that’s the way it is, forever and ever.  As much as it seems impossible, I promise, you can change your patterns of behavior.  I’ve only realized this to be the truth in the last 6 years.  I am learning to love myself, show my authentic self more often, and be in true service to others.  By examining how I talk to myself and changing my internal conversation, I’ve begun the difficult work of honestly looking at myself in the mirror and making changes toward being the best version of myself I can be.  It’s an ongoing journey, and I’ve a long way to go, but by shifting my mindset to seeing the possibility of change, I’ve found an incredible peace and fulfillment. 

For me, the most influential changes came from focusing on the moment at hand and choosing love over fear at every instant.  The opportunity we have toward actualizing our human potential is a wondrous gift.  Do not leave it unopened.  Do not leave it on the table.  We have this one life.  Love wastefully and leave nothing unspent. 


10 Reasons Why You Should Book a Photoshoot for Yourself


Tracy | Life Inspired: Healing is a Journey