Erin Valkner Photography

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Tara Ensor | Life Inspired

Oh my goodness, you are gonna love this woman so much!  And what a fun idea she had for her photo shoot… A Champagne and Cake Smash Birthday Session!  What better way to celebrate a birthday, that with some good old fashioned fun?!  Tara is so much fun to be around - she’s upbeat, has a positive mindset, and is serious about being joyful!  Cannot wait until she launches her new blog, and in the meantime, you can follow HERE on Facebook, and HERE on Instagram

She’s part of my ongoing Life Inspired portrait project.  This project is so near and dear to my heart!  It showcases amazing women who have overcome living a life held back by fear and self doubt, to living a life full of love and hope.

Do you know someone who’d be perfect for this project?  Contact me today to nominate them or yourself!!

When did you realize that your life was being held back by fear or self-doubt, and what kept you from moving forward?

Coming home to a half emptied house, looking in the mirror and no longer recognizing myself. I allowed my first marriage to break me down and poured myself into my work and career. I stopped making time for friends and family.  I became depressed and anxious and simply lost my joy and passion for life. I let myself be controlled and walked on egg shells, never feeling good enough or that I could have the freedom to truly be me. I found myself just trying to get through each day and survive without a blow up. Being comfortable in the madness (as strange as it sounds) kept me from taking the leap and calling it quits on a 16 year relationship and 12 year marriage. While we definitely had some good times the majority of the time we struggled and were extremely unhappy. As a child I was raised by my grandparents who were married for over 50 years before they both passed within months of each other. And my actual parents had been divorced and remarried several times so I told myself that would never be me. I was getting married and staying married. Determined to make it work no matter what it did to me or him. We were both in dark places and dealing with our own demons no matter what kind of version we put on outside of our home. Both of us equal and simply not good for one another. We enabled each other and stopped living life. The day he left and didn't come back I was free but crushed with disappointment and pain. More upset with myself than him. I did not know where to begin again.  

What triggered you to no longer live a life of fear and self doubt? 

It took the loving support and understanding from a childhood friend to help me see the light and bring me back to the Tara Faye that I remembered so long ago. He has helped me to gain back that joyful soul. Helping to recognize that I am worth it and enough. It's truly a blessing. As a result, I chose happiness and moved to New Braunfels, TX  with my two dogs Sasha and Solo to close a chapter and begin a new one. That childhood friend quickly blossomed into my soulmate (a concept I never really believed or understood until recently) and on June 16, 2018 in a beautiful rustic chic outdoor wedding we became husband and wife and I became a step mom to a beautiful and sassy eight year old girl.

What did you have to let go of in order to take the leap to move forward?  

I stopped letting things tear me down and recognizing when the bad comes along, to ask God to please help me see that thing, that situation, that struggle or memory in a different light and to always find the joy in your moments. I lost myself in my 20's and through the majority of my 30’s and looking forward to living a happy, healthier life in my 40’s. And while the memories come back and the anxiety hits and I start to spiral, I will refocus my energy and talk it through with my husband and be grateful for the broken road journey that has brought us together.  And with his loving arms around me life is worth living again. 

 What did you find on the other side of fear that made it worth it. 

I found joy and love with my forever and always. I feel more like myself than ever before and embrace life, living in the moment and enjoying the journey. 

What would you tell someone (or your former self) who still feels held back by fear or self-doubt?

With each day, each breath, each step it gets better and even though you will have ups and downs to always be grateful and focus on the moments that guide you into who you are meant to be.

Is there anything else you would like to share?  

Everybody deserves happiness, even those who have hurt us.

Everyone is fighting a battle so be kind.

Forgive those who have wronged us and most importantly forgive yourself.

Celebrate life and all the struggles that have brought you to where you are today. 

Celebrate your spirit and embrace your inner beauty.

It's a crazy beautiful journey that should be lived joyfully and not in darkness.