Marsha Mudge | Life Inspired


It’s impossible for me to put into words how much this Life Inspired portrait project means to me.  The women who have shared their stories are so unbelievably dear to me.  From the bottom of my heart, I want to honor their strength and courage and beauty in the best way possible.  I sincerely hope that you are as touched as I am by their words and their lives.  There is always hope.  There is always a way to a better life.

I don’t even know where to begin in introducing the woman you are about to meet.  She is a light.  She is strength and beauty personified.  The reality she is navigating would lead most to throw their hands up in defeat, but she is choosing to live her life with a grace and vivaciousness that is difficult to put into words, but altogether apparent the instant you meet her.  She is the definition of determination and faith.  There is a sparkle in her eye and she is truly living.  So many people go through the motions of life… letting the feeling of actually being alive pass them by altogether. 

Her story deserves a little bit of an introduction, I think, in order to give context to her responses below.  Marsha is the incredibly loving mother of two young sons, Tanner and Jackson.  Four years ago, she lost her husband, who passed away unexpectedly in his sleep, leaving her to raise their boys alone.  Within a very short time, she was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I encourage you to follow her Facebook page, Mudge Strong, where she shares candidly about her life.

To me, her experience and story is the epitome of how we should all strive to live our lives.  With the knowledge of our simultaneous acute physical fragility and intense strength of mindfulness, we find peace and fulfillment in the balance of the two.  That is what it means to experience a fully realized human life.  When we embrace our humanity, and live each moment completely, we are wholly participating in this inexplicable miracle of life and love.  There is no time for anything other than love and hope. 

And now, without further ado, Marsha…

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When did you realize that your life was being held back by fear or self-doubt, and what kept you from moving forward? Honestly, I don’t think the fear of my cancer has gone or will ever go away.  I think deep down I will always be somewhat scared but I can’t stay in that mind set for long.  I want to live and I truly believe that having a strong faith and positive attitude has kept me alive.  It has gotten my through a lot of tough moments and days. 


What triggered you to no longer live a life of fear and self doubt? My boys and the legacy of my husband has always been my drive.  Tanner and Jackson have already endured more than any child should have too.  Their smile, their laugh, their pure innocence and joy have kept me alive.  I will not let this disease get the best of me.  This disease has already tried to ruin and take over my life, I will not let it control my joy while I am spending each day raising the two best parts of my husband.  My husband and I always had a fighting attitude.  Even though things are tough or we got kicked down, we would get back up and keep fighting.  He would be disappointed if I quit and now that he is our angel I know I am just that much stronger.  He is with us every moment of every day. 


What did you have to let go of in order to take the leap to move forward? The death of my husband and cancer has definitely brought me closer to God. I never realized how much I truly needed Him.  I always wanted to try and control every situation.  This whole ordeal has taught me that God is in control and I need to enjoy every moment I have on this Earth with all the people I love.


What did you find on the other side of fear that made it worth it? I found that I truly love life.  I have been blessed with the fact that hopefully I can show people that even though you are diagnosed with a terminal illness that you don’t have to stop living.  I have gotten to make so many memories with my children that I don’t think I would have truly appreciated them as much as I do.  I am so excited for everyday that I am alive and so blessed of everyday I get to spend with all the people that mean so much to me. 


What would you tell someone (or your former self) who still feels held back by fear or self-doubt? I would tell that person that it is ok to be afraid.  I would tell them that they could be crippled by fear or they could choose joy.  They could choose to live a life they always dreamed of living.  Always believe and focus on what could happen because I am proof that dreams come true.


As always, if you’d like to nominate someone, yourself included, who’d be perfect for this project, please contact me today!


Tara Ensor | Life Inspired


She Said Yes | A Surprise Proposal at McAdoo’s in New Braunfels