Back to School Photos

back to school portraits new braunfels photographer

With school this year being anything but normal, I want to make sure that every child is still able to have a yearly portrait. School photo day is something that families have been able to rely on each year to ensure at least one updated portrait of your child each year. How fun is it to see how they change each and every year?!

back to school portrait of boy in white dress shirt new braunfels photographer

But let's be honest... those school pictures are sometimes less than flattering. Let's make sure that you not only have a portrait fine this year, but that it's a fantastic one too!

I'm offering children's back to school photos to be scheduled at your convenience. Your family will have the studio to yourselves, without having to wait in line, without feeling rushed, and with plenty of attention to detail.

Each child will receive one digital image with a print release, and while there is the option to create a package or add images, there's no obligation to purchase anything additional.

Let's make sure every child has an updated portrait this year. And these make great gifts for grandparents and loved ones too! The studio is cleaned and sanitized between all appointments and because these are individual sessions, there's no waiting. Let's show your little one's personality and capture them how they are now for all time.

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Your Headshot Session: What to Expect


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