Smith Family Shoot | New Braunfels Family Photographer

black and white portrait of family in gruene texas

Mamas of little ones, especially of super high energy little ones, this post is for you!  I know how tired you are, how exhausted you feel most days, how you are doing your very best to keep up with those kiddos all while the dishes may be piling up or the house never stays clean for more than five minutes. 

For this beautiful family’s portrait session, we met in Gruene, Texas, which always makes such a beautiful backdrop.  As a photographer in New Braunfels, there’s no shortage of beautiful locations for photoshoots!  Kaylee and Josh are fantastic parents and Bode has done an excellent job of keeping them on their toes.  He is the sweetest little boy, and man does he have boundless energy! 

When little ones are involved in a photoshoot, I always follow their lead.  Bode was not in the mood to have family portraits done when they showed up for their shoot.  We took our time and let him warm up to the idea, and then we got some beautiful portraits! Easy peasy.  Ok, full disclosure, we did give him treats!

I never want a mama to put off having family portraits done because they feel their children may be uncooperative, or fussy, or what have you.  I have worked with children with every behavior imaginable, and I have a super high energy son of my own.  I love working with kids… all kids… and I promise to take beautiful portraits of your family that you will cherish forever.  Don’t put it off.  It’s my job as the photographer to manage the chaos and energy that kiddos bring to the set!  Contact me today for a complimentary consultation!

 I cannot wait to be able to photograph their next family portraits once they welcome a new baby brother very soon!


Back to School Photos in New Braunfels!


Joy Rebel