Joy Rebel


31/52 {Black and White} of Project 52

This amazingly awesome t-shirt was a birthday gift from my sweetie, and it’s perfect for this week’s theme for my weekly photo challenge, Project 52: “Black and White”. 

Rarely in life are things ever just black and white.  When you look at any situation or person up close you begin to see a seemingly infinite array of grey.  It’s like the saying goes, “Never judge a book by its cover.  We all have a story and it’s always more complex than it may at first seem. 


That’s where this shirt comes in.  Or more importantly, it’s message.  It is a call for a joyful rebellion.  For each of us to be a light in this, at times, seemingly dark world.  To show love in the face of hate.  Always. 

Even when the world seems against you, even when the weight of injustice feels too heavy, even when no one chooses to stand up with you.  It is especially needed in these times. 

I’ve always been a bit of a rebel.  A quiet one, but still... I can’t help it.  I’ve always felt like a bit of an odd bird.  Like I never quite fit in… When I was younger, I believed there was something wrong with me.  Why did I have to question everything? Why couldn’t I just be satisfied with what seemed to make other people happy?  Why did my mind always wonder to these metaphysical questions?  And why couldn’t I just be happy to spend my time doing things everyone else my age seemed to be interested in? 

Fast forward to the beginning of my third decade, and I finally began to make peace with myself.  I realized that here is nothing wrong with me, and more importantly, there never was.  In a moment of epiphany, it dawned on me that I’ve always been in tune with my true self, I had just kept it tucked away, under layer, upon layer, upon layer of defensive walls, never allowing it to see the light of day. 

I’ve been diligently uncovering the true version of who I am ever since.  I now see my whole self through the lens of love, and I know without doubt what I stand for and seek to create my own path rather than feel victim to my circumstances. 

I understand now that the way in which you see the world is how you see yourself, and that the only way to happiness and peace is through love.  Through acts of loving kindness, through empathy for others and yourself, and through choosing to respond with love in the face of fear and hate. 

We are all connected whether we like it or not.  What we do impacts others.  You can choose to be a light in this world, filling others with hope, or you can add to the darkness of anger and hate.    

Just know that you are never alone when you chose joy.  You begin to realize that a joyful life is more beautiful and brilliant and peaceful that you could ever imagine, and you want nothing more but for others to join in your new and hopeful vision of the world. 

So here’s your invitation... 

Joyfully rebel.

And know that you are never alone in your journey.


Pick up your very own t-shirt and find tons of uplifting and lovely things from the Montague Workshop, HERE!


Smith Family Shoot | New Braunfels Family Photographer


The Gatsby Sessions | New Braunfels Portrait Studio