Couture Kids | Beautiful, Timeless Portraits for Children at Every Age & Stage

Introducing Couture Kids

I am beyond thrilled to be introducing Couture Kids portraits at Erin Valkner Photography! I adore children and want every family to have beautiful portraits of their children at every age and every stage as they grow up.  And do they ever grow up so very fast!  Let's do our best to capture them now and create a legacy of portraits they can pass on to their own families one day. 

This style of portraits is meant to show the beauty of each child as they are at this exact moment.  There's just something so beautiful to me about stillness in a child's portrait.  We all know they generally move at 120 miles an hour at all times, but capturing them in an instant when they are just "being"... well that to me is just stunning.  

This is Stella.  She is one of the most beautiful souls you will meet.  She's also my cover girl for Couture Kids.  I asked her mom if she would be willing to sit for me, and I was delighted she agreed!  I've known Stella's parents for years and it's been so incredible to watch her grow into such an incredibly intelligent and beautiful person.  

She's at that age where she's about to leave childhood behind her.  That area between being little and being a teenager.  I suppose now there's a name for it, a tween. Anyway, we all know how incredibly brutal this stage of life can be... No matter what, kids will find something to pick on… it seems no one is “safe” from being picked on… You’re made fun of for being too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, having glasses, having braces, having red hair, spitting milk out your nose… Ok, maybe the last one was just me, but you get the point! 

It’s a vulnerable age.  It’s a precious age.  I want every child to know their own strength, confidence and beauty.  To remind them of their inherent worth.  And portraits are a perfect way to do this. 


New Braunfels Portrait Studio | A Beautiful and Creative Day


There's Something So Beautiful About People Just as They Are