Erin Valkner Photography

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What’s in My Camera Bag?

There is a lot of really awesome camera gear out there, folks!  Not gonna lie, I have a wish list a mile long, like just about every other photographer.  There’s always new gadgets coming out, and the options are pretty much endless when it comes to equipment. 

That being said, my kit, or go to gear that I use day in and day out, is really not that complex. 

So, what’s in my camera bag anyway?  First of all, the bag itself is amazing!  Thank you Think Tank, for making such indestructible bags that hold everything but the kitchen sink! 

Camera bodies – I love Canon; it’s what I’ve always used. I have two cameras on every shoot.  I like having a backup and I can have different lenses on them so I don’t have to change out lenses. 

Lenses – My go to lenses are the 50mm and the 35mm.  They’re what I use on just about every shoot.  Yes, I have others.  Yes, they’re fun to use sometimes, but really, these are the two I could not go without. 

Memory Cards – Lots of them!  You cannot have enough.  Especially if you shoot weddings or events. 

Batteries – Same as memory cards – lots of them.  And chargers – I’m always charging and checking batteries!

Reflector – I have tons of reflectors in all sorts of different sizes.  I keep a smallish one handy for outdoor shoots. 

Chiffon fabric – This single item is indispensable and it never leaves my bag.  I can use it to diffuse light, as a backdrop, wrap it around my subject like a dress… I’m not kidding when I say this piece has saved the day on more than one occasion. 

Utility knife, Safety Pins, Gaff Tape – Let’s get real for a minute.  Sometimes you gotta be MacGuyver.  I always have these on hand, and can usually finagle whatever comes up in shoots. 

Sewing kit – I have used this on more than one shoot. 

Basic Hair / Makeup Kit – Bobby pins, hairspray, makeup remover, powder, lotion, clips

Lint Roller – Everyone has a dog, or a cat, or a menagerie of animals and this gets used a lot.

Toys, Bubbles, Smallish things to keep kiddos occupied – Sometimes it’s just a lens cap, sometimes it’s the shutter release remote… Gotta give em something to do. 

Snacks – Mostly for me because I get hungry… but you can always bribe kids too if need be!

Odds and ends – remote shutter release, filters, who knows what else… Depends on the shoot. 

Whew!  That’s a lot of gear.  It all fits so nicely into my “Mary Poppins” bag.  Oh, and my laptop fits in there as well, and a notebook of paperwork, model releases, etc. 

Anyway, I guess you can say I’m prepared.  For pretty much anything!