Why Every Woman Should Experience a Professional Photoshoot

Every day I talk to women who share that they don’t feel beautiful, that they wish they could change something about themselves, or they don’t feel like they are enough. 

My answer is always the same.  You are beautiful. Now.  Just as you are.  I can see it in you. Your loved ones see it. 

I photograph every day women, just like you.  Women who may not think of themselves as beautiful in everyday life.  Women who may typically avoid the camera. 

A portrait session offers a way to see yourself in a different light.  It’s a day of pampering.  Having your hair and makeup done is a wonderful way to enhance your natural features, make you feel beautiful, and relax into yourself.  With direction, posing and the use flattering light, you are guided through the entire shoot, so you don’t have to worry about anything and can relax, be yourself and just have fun. 

Watching someone go through this process is always mesmerizing.  At first, people are often either nervous or downright anxious about being photographed, but throughout the shoot you see them begin to relax and their confidence comes forward taking the place of that initial nervousness.  By the time they leave, they are feeling great about themselves and there’s a difference in how they hold themselves.  There is a brightness about them and they walk with their chin up. Seriously. I swear it’s the most amazing thing to watch and it’s something that I want for each and every person. 

It gets even better though!  After a portrait session, you get to see and hold your beautiful portraits and witness that beautiful confident feeling reflected back to you. And because these portraits last a lot longer than we do, your children and loved ones will have the tremendous gift of remembering you just as you were at this time in your life, always and forever. 

Latonya was in the studio a while back for a photoshoot and it was such a pleasure to photograph her!  She’s a teacher, a mama, a wife and a beautiful person inside and out.  Her photoshoot was a blast and her family joined at the end of her session so we could get a family portrait as well. 

Mamas, please make it a point to exist in photographs.  Your children will go looking for you in photos one day, and you must be there.  One day portraits will be your family’s most prize possession.  They will be priceless.   

When you are ready, I’d love to talk with you about creating beautiful portraits for you. 


Valentine’s Day at Gruene Hall


Have a Fierce Valentine’s Day