Live Intentionally, Love Wastefully, and Carry No Regrets

4/52 {Foreground}

Foreground in my mind this week…

As my family gathered together this week in celebration of the woman who gave us all life, I am moved by the happy memories, thankful for the opportunity to exist, and overwhelmed with joy at the life before me.  My grandmother, my Maw Maw, was truly an amazing woman. 


Laying someone to rest connects us to the mortality of our human life, and serves as a reminder that death is as much a part of life as birth.  I don’t worry about that part of us that’s eternal.  That inner part that is thought and love and spirit because it cannot be destroyed.  But with a death the focus is brought back to a question:  “Are you living your life intentionally, loving wastefully, and carrying no regrets?” 

This week has been a call to action to reckon with the fragility and finiteness of physical life.

We only get this one go.  And done right, that’s enough. 

So soak up every last drop of each moment and know that really we’re all connected.  These bodies only give us the impression that we are separate.  So even when a loved one’s body does give out, know that they are still very much a part of everything, just in a different way. 

We are light and the body is like a light bulb, just a vehicle, albeit one that gives us an amazing and unique human experience of life. 

Love to you all.


This is week 4 of my Project 52, a personal photography project showcasing a weekly photograph and theme for an entire year.


Shanda | The Definition of Strong, Independent and Beautiful


Heidi | Life Inspired: Life is Too Short to Live in the Grip of Fear