Heidi | Life Inspired: Life is Too Short to Live in the Grip of Fear

The woman you are about to meet is one of the most down to earth, kind and real people ever. I’m happy to say she’s a friend that I’ve known for years and years, and I was delighted to be able to photograph her recently for my Life Inspired Project. You can find more about this project HERE, and as always if you’d like to nominate yourself or someone who’d be perfect for this, please contact me today!

And now, without further ado, meet Heidi:

When did you realize that your life was being held back by fear or self-doubt, and what kept you from moving forward?

Failure, there's always been a fear of failure. Failure was not acceptable. I was independent at a very young age. Failure could have meant harm or even death. Apparently I had a strong will to live!


What triggered you to no longer live a life of fear and self doubt?

First I became a parent. You can't show those little buggers any fear, hahaha. Then I Found Jesus! That was where it all started to come into focus.

What did you have to let go of in order to take the leap to move forward?

Trying to be in control of everything. Because I'm really in control of nothing. Except my own thoughts and actions.

What did you find on the other side of fear that made it worth it?

I have found a peace that (most days) passes all understanding. The days where I don't find peace? Those are the days i've taken my eyes off of HIM.

What would you tell someone (or your former self) who still feels held back by fear or self-doubt?

YOU are in charge of your own thoughts and actions. Simply because you have a thought, you don't have to own it! Pray, meditate, pet your dog, go for a walk, think of all the things that you've accomplished, then do the next "right" thing. Whatever that looks like to you. Do the dishes. Help a neighbor. Whatever it is. Next thing you know you'll have a whole history of doing the "right" thing.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Life is too short to live in the grips of fear. 98% of the things we perceive in our mind never happen anyway. Hug a little longer. Have a deeper conversation with someone. Get lost in a sunset. Or, find a way to give back...that's always the best medicine!


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