“…the thoughts you think create the reality you live in.” –Arielle Ford

The power of words and their effect on our lives fascinates me to no end.  Especially what we think and say about and to ourselves.  Until somewhat recently, my inner dialogue was horrendous.  Like so many others, my thoughts were like a constant barrage of hateful commentary. 

“Why do you always do that?”

“What were you thinking?”

“You’re so (insert random insulting adjectives here).” 

I was always beating myself up and showing myself no love or mercy.  And my attitude and demeanor reflected this as well.  I felt like Life was unfair.  Like I could never catch a break, and that most everyone was better or more qualified at being successful than me.  In other words, I had a major victim mentality and it was an awfully distressing way to live. 

I wanted so desperately to feel peace within my bones.  But it seemed like the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be was the size of the Grand Canyon. 

Then one day, everything changed.  I read something that suggested self-love was as easy as just stopping the hateful self-talk.  I didn’t even realize the state of how I was treating myself, but that day, I made a conscious effort to change the way I “spoke” to myself.  My whole world changed.  There was lightness where there had been darkness, and it was like the weight I been carrying on my shoulders since childhood was lifted away and just gone… I began to see opportunity and connection and love.  I found the peace I had been searching for and realized it had been there waiting for me to open my eyes to it.  As was grace and mercy.

Sometimes we don’t realize our own power.  To effect change in our own lives and the lives of others.  When you have love for yourself, you can share it with others.  Your light shines and you can spark that light in others’ lives too. 

Transformation is within your grasp.  Always.  You just have to take one little baby step toward it.  Then another, and then another.  And each one gets easier.  I promise. 

If you ever want someone to talk to about this sort of thing, I’m here for you! 

Wishing you a beautiful and bountiful week!



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