My First Roll of Film

I have had a camera in my hand since I can remember.  After moving last year, during the process of getting everything unpacked and put away, I went through a couple of boxes of our old photos and keepsakes, in an attempt to better organize it all.  I was so excited to find an old envelope with the first roll of film I shot, 27 years ago!  In my mother’s handwriting, it says, “Xmas 1990, first roll of film Erin took on her new camera”. 

I documented our family opening Christmas presents.  Nothing fancy.  I was seven and a half years old.  I’ve always been an observer, taking in others’ actions and emotions.  A camera is my tool… my way of processing how I see people and the world around me.  Of taking in the emotions and presence of others…

My favorite photo from this roll of film is one of my sister opening a card.  The timing of the shot and the expression on her face is perfect.  It’s her excitement and exuberance in the moment, how I remember her that day, and I have it captured in a photo for all time.   And that makes me very happy. 

p.s. I am forever grateful to my parents for giving me that first camera and roll of film, and to my maman for saving it for me.


The Power of Words


Curvaceous Beauty!