Note to Self: The Best is Yet to Come


It’s no secret that I’m an avid reader.  I read A LOT.  Last week, I read this little gem of a book one day while waiting to pick up my kiddo from school.  It struck a chord, both in its simplicity and its message.  Note to Self is a compilation of letters penned by famous & successful people to the younger version of themselves.  If you have a few minutes here and there, pick up this quick read.  It’s so good!  And a much needed reminder for all of us that even for the most successful people, they didn’t start there.  The best is yet to come. 

Here’s mine…

Dear 15 year old Erin,

Life will get so much better for you.  I promise.  You will know happiness and peace.  Right now, inside of you, you already have everything you need to take care of yourself and thrive. 

There is nothing wrong with you.  I repeat: there is nothing wrong with you.  You are enough. Just as you are, now.   

The people that love you are doing the best they can with what they have and what they know.  You have a strength within you that is more than enough to see you through. 

There is always a way.  You will be joyful.  I know you don’t believe me right now, but it is true.  You will have so much love in your life.  Please just hang in there and trust yourself.  I love you. 

What would yours say?


Note To Self by Gayle King


Ashley | Life Inspired: Finding Joy & Love on the Other Side of Fear


Tara Ensor | Life Inspired