Candid Moment | Week 40 of Project 52

This week’s theme is “Candid Moment” and I love it!  Life is a series of candid moments and one of the most magical things about photography is being able freeze these little moments, which happen in a fraction of a second, to remember always. 

We have a lot of fun at our house.  There’s a lot of play, a lot of laughing, and a lot of imagination.   

Play is sometimes the most important work we can do, and sadly, it’s the first thing to go when we get busy, or stressed or sad… Children are masters of being present, getting lost in the flow, and being blissfully happy just being.

We should all try to carve out at least a little time for “play”, if you ask me.  Find something that you love doing so much that you lose all sense of time and you can be completely absorbed in.  Something that brings you as much joy while you are in the process as well as in the finished product. And if it takes trying several things before you find it, even better!  When we are learning we are growing.  And when we’re growing we are alive. 


Hands | Week 41 of Project 52


Asher & Abigail | An Abundance of Adorableness