Brandi C. | Life Inspired Project

beautiful woman in blue dress erin valkner photography

For this week, the wonderfully talented and beautiful Brandi is being featured for my Life Inspired Portrait Project. I have to say, it's been pretty amazing getting to meet so many incredibly strong,  dynamic women and getting to know them a little bit as they share their stories! If you want to learn more about this little project of mine, check out all the details HERE!  And if you'd like to nominate yourself or someone else, contact me today!

I became an instant fan of Brandi the moment I met her.  She is a warm, thoughtful, vibrant, caring, and just GORGEOUS person!  You may recognize her from the Cigarette Girls Burlesque here in Missoula, where she performs as Belle Rees!

Oh, and did I mention she brought Prim along for her photo shoot, the most well-behaved and sweetheart of a dog!  Oh, one more thing... She also brought the most divine blue dress.  And a twirly, girly one too!!  So much fun!  

Without further ado, it is my honor and privilege to present to you, Brandi.

Hair & make-up: Alysson King of Fabrik Salon

When did you realize that your life was being held back by fear or self-doubt, and what kept you from moving forward?  I don't know if there's a specific Aha! moment where I knew I had to stop being afraid and just go for what I wanted.

What triggered you to no longer live a life of fear or self-doubt? I was at a place where I had no job, no home that was mine, and I was too ashamed of myself to go to anyone for help.  I had failed at a lot, not least at having a body that was socially acceptable or desirable.  I got to a point where I had failed enough that it didn't scare me anymore.  I knew I had to turn things around for myself; no one was going to hold my hand and do it for me.  Necessity turned into self-reliance, and I'm working on turning that to self-love.

What did you have to let go of in order to take the leap to move forward?  I am still working on this part,  but  I had to let go of years of body shaming, negative self-talk, and comparing my journey to someone else's.  I had to realize for myself that EVERY body is a good body.  Just because my body is shaped differently than yours, or my best friend's, or any other person's body, that doesn't diminish my worth or potential to do great things.


What did you find on the other side of fear that made it worth it?  I found SO MANY women that wanted to share how empowered they felt by my acts, and by The Cigarette Girls as a whole. Because so many body types are present in our troupe, I think that a lot of the women that come to a show can find a performer with the same body type as them.  They think, "She looks like me, and she is feelin' herself!  If she loves her body enough to shake it in front of a crowd, then MY body is awesome and worthy too!"   And how cool is it that we can empower women (and men!) and give confidence that way?!

What would you tell someone (or your former self) who still feels held back by fear or self-doubt?

I would advise anyone that feels held back by fear or self-doubt to be kinder to those around them, and especially to themselves.  Examine the language used when you're talking to yourself.  You don't call your friends ugly, or stupid, or useless, if you want to keep them as friends for very long.  Why are you using those terms to describe yourself? It's hard work, and I'm still struggling with it, but I think that self-love is one of the keys to achieving what you want.

portrait of beautiful woman with pet dog erin valkner photography
portrait of smiling woman and pet dog erin valkner photography

Is there anything else you would like to share?   Never take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway.  Eat the cookie.  Make the inappropriate joke. Don't be afraid of failure.  Also, get a dog.  Pup love does wonders for your self-esteem. :)


Roxanne B. | Life Inspired Project


Krystal N. | Life Inspired Portrait Project