Erin Valkner Photography

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Personal Branding – Where to Start

The term “Personal Branding” is thrown around like confetti these days!  And for good reason… it’s the way you and your message are perceived by the big wide world.  Your personal brand is SO much more than a pretty logo or flashy website. 

It’s your connection to your audience, how you share your message, your business, and what you have to offer. 

So where do you even start to begin? 

The first and most important thing to remember is to be authentic.  Think about what your message is; about how you want to be known… Spend some thought on what you value and what you aim to accomplish.  Keep these in the front of your mind on every piece of content you create, every email you send, and every time you share what you do.  People can smell a phony a mile away!  So just be you.   

Your personal brand ends up being everything you put out into the world, which is why it is imperative that you are not only aware of what your personal brand is but that you are actively creating and steering it in the direction of your values and your overall mission.

The more cohesive, consistent, and authentic your message and your personal brand is, the more your audience will connect with you and remember you. 

And that is your goal!  To find and stand out to those people who truly align with your work and what you have to offer.