Permission To Be Yourself

Permission to just be? Granted.

Permission to have messy emotions? Granted.

Permission to not always be sunny and cheerful? Granted.

Permission to be goofy as hell? Granted.

Permission to not be what you think someone else thinks you should be? Double, triple granted.

You have permission to just be. To not try so hard to live up to the expectations put on you by others.

You have permission to exist. Wanna know how I know this is true?
Because you exist. You were not created out of nothing. You are a walking talking living breathing miracle. You are Love incarnated.

You are beautiful because you exist.

If you haven't quite given yourself permission to let go of unreasonable expectations, then this is for you:

You have permission to be yourself, to figure out who "yourself" even is, and to shine brightly.


The Number One Excuse for Not Doing a Boudoir Photoshoot


Portraits, Because the Grow Up So Fast