Erin Valkner Photography

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My Why | New Braunfels Photographer

Becoming a mama really opened my eyes to being present.

There's nothing like seeing the world through a little one's perspective...

They have no concern about anything other than right now.

And it's all magical to them.

Pair that with the fact that time FLIES by, and I've made it my goal to soak up every bit of every moment.

I not only want to create a legacy of portraits of his childhood but also ensure that I exist in photos so that one day when he goes looking for me in photos, I'll for damn sure be there.

I'm making sure to get in the frame, both with my kiddo and by myself.

The flaws I imagine in myself mean nothing to my child.

Your kiddo does not see your flaws.

They only want their mama, and they will look for you in photos one day.

We must show up for them now.

Having these photos of us during his childhood is priceless to me. Each year they mean even more to me, and I know I'll cherish them 1000 times more when he's grown and living his own life.

That's what really started my journey as a portrait photographer and why I adore photographing women.

I want you to exist in photos for your children, for you loved ones, but most importantly for yourself.

I want you to see that you are beautiful, and it's my mission to create a space where you can just be, without any expectation of trying to be this or that...

A space where you can just relax for a moment into yourself.

And that my friend, is what comes across as beautiful in portraits.

See yourself in a new light and exist in photos now.

I know you've got hesitations and concerns and you might not believe me when I say no one sees your "flaws", so send 'em all my way and let's work our way through it.

I'm an open book and am always here to answer your questions.