Mama and Me Sessions

mother and baby studio portrait new braunfels photographer

Mamas, I know you are tired. And that there’s not enough hours in the day.  But I also know you are doing your very best.  Our babies grow up in the blink of an eye.  When you’re in the midst of sleepless newborn nights, or the throes of toddler tantrums, it feels like it will never end. 

The days are long but the years are short.  This quote by Gretchin Rubin could not be any more true.   

Knowing this, we need to be better at getting in the picture with our kiddos.  It is so easy to get caught up in our perceived flaws and failures.  We tell ourselves we aren’t enough, that we need to lose weight and then we’ll be better, that we need to do and be more in order to be worthy.  The sad truth is that these thoughts often keep us from existing in photographs.  We say, oh no don’t take my photo, I’m not ready, I don’t have my hair or makeup done.  Just the kids. Not me. 

You must exist in photographs.  Your children will go looking for you in photos one day.  Take the time now to be photographed with them.  

Celebrate every age and stage with your children with a Mama and Me Session.  You’ll have fun together and you’ll have beautiful portraits to look back on and for future generations to cherish.  I’d love to talk with you about planning a Mama and Session for you! 


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