Erin Valkner Photography

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Mama and Me Portraits

Mama and Me photo sessions are some of my absolute favorites!  I try to make these sessions as laid back as possible, and while there are lots of tips to have a smooth session, things certainly don’t always go as planned.  And that is just fine!  We have a lot of fun and it only takes a fraction of a second to get a good shot, so really, it’s gonna be ok!

Kaylee and her boys were in the studio recently and I’m so happy we were able to create some portraits of them while the boys are so little!   

I will say it until I’m blue in the face: “Mamas, get in the frame with your babies!”

At every age and stage of their childhood, from baby to leaving the nest…

Your children do not see your “flaws”, only you do.

Your children do not see your “10 pounds I need to lose”, only you do.

Your children do not see your “messy hair/no makeup” as a reason not to be photographed, only you do.

Your children WILL go looking for you one day in photographs.  You must exist in photographs.  If not for yourself (and I think that is reason enough, but we can save that conversation for another day…), then please do it for your children, and their children, and so on, for future generations.