How Often Should You Update Your Headshot?

How often you should update your headshot depends on the purpose of the headshot and what it is you need it for. 

An actor or model needs to update their headshot any time their look changes at all.  Their headshot is the key to bookings and they need to present as what they currently look like.  

If your headshot serves as your business profile photo, it’s still a good idea to make sure it’s current but probably less often that an actor’s headshot. 

If your headshot is 10 years old (or older), you need to update it now! 

Your headshot is your first impression online to potential clients and customers, and it needs to be professional and polished.  This means it needs to be high quality, and actually look like you do today, not you 10 years ago. 

Some people like to update their headshot every so often to change things up, and some people like to use the same one for a few years. 

As long as your headshot accurately represents who you are today, you’re all set!  Just remember, we do change quite a bit over time and every few years at the very least. 

Take this as a sign that it’s time to assess your headshot and let’s get yours updated to make sure it’s still reflecting your best!


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