Erin Valkner Photography

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Exist in Photos | Family Sessions

As a photographer, just about everyone who sits in front of my camera says something along the lines of, “I’m just not that photographic”.

And I can’t even begin to tell you how many women tell me that they really don’t feel comfortable being in front of the camera and are anxious about their photoshoot. 

Ok, I hear you.  Please listen closely to what I’m about to say. 

You matter.  You deserve to be seen.  You are worthy of being seen.  Even though you may not see it right now, you have a beauty about you that exists no where else in the entire history of the universe.  And you, just as you exist in this moment, are beautiful. 

Your loved ones see this.  I see this.  And even if you don’t see this just yet, please exist in photographs. 

When your children go looking for you one day in photographs, and they will… You must be there for them.  Hiding from the camera and refusing to have your photo taken will rob your loved ones of what will one day be their most prized possessions.  Photographs of their beautiful mama. 

I’m here to be your photographer and help you through.  I understand the anxiety.  I understand what it feels like to not quite love every little thing about yourself.  Hell, I understand not liking anything about yourself.  I’ve been on a journey of learning to love myself over the past almost eight years and I’m here to tell you, it can be better. 

I’m going to be there for you during your photo session, guiding and directing you every step of the way.  I work hard to create a space where you can just be.  Without any expectation for how you “should” be.  We will plan out all the details ahead of time and I’ve got you throughout the shoot itself, so all you have to do is show up and be your beautiful self. 

So please do show up, mamas.  Please show up for life, for your loved ones, for yourself. 
