Erin Valkner Photography

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Meet the Photographer | New Braunfels Portrait Studio

I want everyone who walks into the studio or sits in front of my camera to feel at ease and empowered.  To feel like they are seen and heard.  Just about everyone is at least a bit anxious when they are photographed.  It's a place of vulnerability and that is something that I acknowledge and take very seriously.

I try to make it a point to put myself out there too.  So here I am.  This is me.

A few random things about me:

I'm a mama and a wife and a daughter and a sister and a friend. 

I'm the definition of introvert.  For real. 

I read books like I breathe oxygen.  Like sometimes a few a week...

I love to learn.  Subject doesn't matter.  I would spend every waking hour studying if I didn't have my family to remind me to go do stuff. 

I eat dark chocolate and drink black coffee every day. 

Photography is my absolute favorite.  I can't imagine a more perfect way to spend my days - I get to connect with others and create beauty!

I'd love to hear from you!  What are you looking forward to the most this year?

There images were part of a light test at the studio with a new olive backdrop which I just LOVE! My kiddo tagged along and snapped the laughing shot with the remote shutter while we were chatting!