Erin Valkner Photography

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6 Ways to See Yourself in the Best Possible Light

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “self-love” and “self-care”, and while most people may consider that to mean that you love the way you look, to me, it means a lot more than that. For starters it means accepting yourself as you are now, and treating yourself with love and respect.

Easier said than done, for sure. It’s an ongoing process, learning to love ourselves, and it’s important to remember that just like any relationship, and it takes patience, grace and practice.

So here’s a few tips to get you started! Or to gently lead you to get back on track with how you’re treating yourself…

1. Speak nicely to yourself.  You know those inner thoughts?  The way in which you speak to yourself?  Would you speak that way to your chlid, your best friend?  If you find yourself speaking negatively to and about yourself, try to recognize it and replace with something loving.  (or at least something neutral to start with)

2.  Give yourself grace.  And extend it to others as well.  Don’t beat yourself up over every little thing. 

3.  Practice Self Care.  Doesn’t have to be anything big.  But start somewhere.  Do something, every day if you can, that’s just for you and recharges you. 

4.  Do something to better your life every day.  Have a goal.  Work toward it.  Learn new things.  Never stop growing. 

5. Be kind to others. 

6.  Have a portrait session with me.  Seriously.  Sometimes it’s difficult to see our true beauty when we’re feeling riddled/blocked with self-doubt.  I guarantee you that your loved ones see you as beautiful just the way you are.  A portrait can reflect that beauty back to you.  And just so we’re clear, your beauty is your inner essence shining through.  

I would love to talk with you more about how you dream of being photographed! Even if you’re nowhere near being ready to book a shoot… I’m here to answer any questions, help you plan out details, or come up with an idea. Everyone is beautiful and deserves to see themselves as such. I believe this fully and my studio is a space where you can experience our own self and your own beauty. It’s an experience that’s both fun and freeing.

When you’re ready, let’s talk!
