My First Photoshoot as a Model

So I have been going through tons of old photos recently and talking a bit about my love for photography.  Did you know I did some modeling back in the day?  Oh la la! 

I've worked with quite a few photographers and had so much fun doing some really creative photoshoots.  At the time, I thought it might be a fun thing to do (and it was), but I also realized that one day I would be quite old, and how incredible would it be to have a legacy of portraits showing how life progresses.  

Not only was capturing that time of my life a reason for doing these photoshoots, but the images and experience also helped me to break through some very harmful self-image issues.  For the first time in a very long time, maybe ever, I saw myself as beautiful. I was able to literally view myself through another's lens, and through a creative process, transformed my perception of myself from someone who was unworthy of attention or enjoyment to someone who was inherently beautiful, creative and valued.

And it wasn't so much the beauty of the final images or even the idea of physical beauty, but more the experience of creating something beautiful.  Of going through a creative process, transforming plain ole ordinary me, to a beautifully styled subject for a creative portrait.  It made me realize that the "plain ole ordinary" me, had the same innate beauty and worthiness as the (sometimes) dolled up version of me in those portraits.  It was still me.  With or without the "to-do".  The transformation of makeup, hair, and wardrobe styling, or just collaborating with other creative people to arrive at a finished beautiful portrait allowed me the permission to just be myself and to have fun and to find a bit of self-confidence.  Which I believe is what makes a person beautiful and for certain makes a beautiful portrait.  

There is power in portraits.  I have experienced it firsthand and it's something I want every person who sits in front of my camera to experience as well.     

So here’s a few images from my first photoshoot.  When do you want to schedule yours?!

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photo credit: 666 Photography; makeup/hair: Lisa Naeyaert; 2007


Your Online Presence Matters | New Braunfels Headshot Photographer


One of My First Photoshoots | New Braunfels Photographer