Erin Valkner Photography

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Self Love is Letting Go of Judgement

How many times do you wonder what the hell “So and So” is doing to always have it all together?

How many times have you beat yourself up for not being able to get it all done?  For letting people down, for feeling like you’re never going to get ahead?

Guess what, no one has it all together all of the time.  And it’s ok. 

The key to happiness is to not give a sh*t what other people think.  I’m not even kidding.  It’s that simple. 

Define your own idea of success and happiness. Go after it with wild abandon, and be deaf to what anyone else has to say about it. 

When you worry that things should be a certain way, or that you should be doing this or that, you are robbing yourself of the only thing there really is in life and that is THIS MOMENT

Take away the noise you hear about what others will think or say,and listen to what you really want.  What you really value, what is important to you; let this be your guiding light and follow it without being swayed.  Stay the course and you will know peace and happiness. 

Friends, we only get this one life.  We have been given this absolutely miraculous gift of life, and we get to create it every step of the way.  You are in charge of your happiness.    

Choose to love yourself, choose to create a life you love.