Erin Valkner Photography

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Self Love is Boundaries

What if you treated yourself like someone you loved?

How would you talk to yourself? How would you treat yourself?

My friends, it’s the only way you’ll ever find true peace.  Not only will your quality of life go through the roof, but all of your relationships will be better too. 

What does that mean?  What is self-love anyway? 

Simply put, it’s boundaries. 

A boundary is a guideline for what you tolerate, what’s acceptable, what’s not. 

You get to create your own.  You get to set the rules for how you treat yourself, others and how you let other people treat you. 

We often think of self-care as a day at the spa or treating ourselves to something nice, and while this is fine and well, if you are not clear on your boundaries, the relaxing effects of a massage or facial or what-have-you, will evaporate before your very eyes the second you walk through the door and hear, “Mama, Mama, Mama!”.

The boundaries you implement create the balance you need.

What are you going to tolerate?  What life are you going to create for yourself?

Protect those boundaries like your life depends on.  It does.  You create the life you live.

Love yourself.