Do a Boudoir Photoshoot for Yourself

black and white boudoir portrait new braunfels boudoir photographer

Oh my, this girl! The beauty, the feisty-ness, the heart.  She’s got it all.  And she did the shoot for her damn self, as it should be, I say!  While it’s an absolutely perfect gift for your partner, the shoot, the experience and the portraits are first a gift to yourself.  And if you don’t believe me, that’s ok. You will after your shoot!  It’s so so much fun! 

You are more than the shape of your body.

You are more than a number on a scale or dress tag.

You are more than someone’s opinion.

Just as you are, you are enough. 

And that is what is beautiful.

When you experience a boudoir photoshoot, you’ll feel that.  And you’ll see that beauty reflected back to you, maybe for the first time in a long time. Maybe for the first time ever.

And with that feeling comes something incredible: confidence.  And maybe you don’t go shouting from the rooftops – “I am woman, hear me roar!”, but you will take that little bit of confidence with you into tomorrow and the day after and on and on. 

Always remember this - Chin up darling, don’t you know how beautiful you are?    

Ready to start planning your own boudoir session?  Let’s talk!


Portraits are Powerful | New Braunfels Photographer


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