Erin Valkner Photography

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This is Me

1/52 for Project 52

This is me. As I am, here and now. For years and years I hid myself. Afraid of my own shadow, paralyzed by what others thought. I’ve been making serious effort at reconnecting with myself. Paying attention to what I like, what makes me come alive, and not putting myself last. I’m careful about how I speak to myself, how I speak to others, how I spend my time and who I surround myself with.

I am learning to love myself. Life is beautiful when we open up to it. I am grateful for the opportunity to live such a rich and fulfilling life. And I cannot wait for what this year will bring.

I’m starting up my Project 52 again this year, where an image is featured each week with a theme. It’s something I’ve done in previous years and I love it! So here’s to another year!