Erin Valkner Photography

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Gotta Beat that Texas Heat

25/52 {Faceless} of my Project 52

Summer is here, guys. And oh man, is it HOT!  You’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do to stay cool around here, and this week that has meant running through the sprinkler in the backyard.  Good clean homemade fun.  That’s what we’re all about.  While there’s a ton of fun and exciting summertime things to do in New Braunfels, but I personally tend to avoid the crowds of tourists. So doing more on weekdays and staying home on weekends and favoring less crowded places. 

I’m also pretty old school.  I very much prefer imaginative unstructured play versus paying to go to play at places or theme parks or the like.  We do some of that too, just not all the time.  I’m a firm believer that kids (adults too), need to have that unstructured time. 

When my kiddo tells me, “I’m bored”,

My response is always “There’s no such thing as bored, you’re just being boring.  Let’s find something to do.”

Play everyday.  Make up games.  Stay curious.  Be creative.  And a good old fashioned garden hose.  That’s a winning recipe for an amazing summer with the kiddos!