Erin Valkner Photography

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The Birdcage Shoot | Free as a bird

That feeling of darkness all around you, like you’re unable to fly freely, confined to a small place…

My darling, it’s all you.  You are the one keeping yourself from taking flight.

You cannot grow and remain stagnant at the same time.  You cannot continue on as is and expect your life to expand.  You cannot ever be free if you are holding yourself back with fear and self-doubt. 

Now is the time.  When you are faced with fear, and you will be, again and again, acknowledge it, close your eyes if you must, open the cage and fly.  And know that you will find your way.  Even if you do not see the path now, trust that it is there.  Do not cage yourself.  Do not be your own prisoner.  This world is a beautiful place and you deserve to have your place in it.   

More than anything else, I want to push myself to become better.  To push past fears as they arise, to never dwell in complacency, and to find ways to love bigger. 

A huge thank you to Victoria, my lovely muse for this shoot!