Erin Valkner Photography

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Diptych | Portrait of Complexity

10/52 {Diptych} | Project 52

Some time ago, I happened upon these incredible celebrity diptych portraits by Andrew H. Walker, photographer extraordinaire.  So when I found out this week’s theme for my personal photography project, was “Diptych”, I was thrilled to have an excuse to give this concept a whirl.  I didn’t have a model on hand so just used myself but it was still a lot of fun. 

I love how Walker’s images show two different glimpses of the subject in one frame, using the magic of photography to highlight the complexity of personality.  And that is delightful, to me anyway!

It’d be so much fun to start doing something like this for portrait clients at the end of their shoots!  What do you think?  

“The diptych—two images combined into a single frame or presented together—originated in art as a drawing or painting in two parts. … the word comes from the Greek root "dis," meaning two, and "ptykhe," meaning fold...” (