Erin Valkner Photography

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Boudoir for the Everyday Woman | New Braunfels Portrait Studio

There’s something so very powerful and remarkably beautiful about a woman stepping into her own confidence. Being herself, unconcerned about the world's opinion. 

Maybe you're saying to yourself, yeah. That's great for her, but I couldn't...
Maybe you've been putting your family's needs above your own, or maybe work takes your everything leaving no time to take care of yourself. 
Maybe you're just unsure of yourself, wondering what happened to your confidence or carefree spirit. 
Most of us feel like this sometimes. As a photographer, I can assure you the majority of people I talk to voice uncertainties about themselves and feel un-photogenic. 

You are not alone.
It's my job to show you that that beautiful confident and carefree woman is still there. She just needs permission to exist.
We are constantly bombarded with messages that we should dim our light, not stand out, be like everyone else, don’t rock the boat...
Here’s the thing, it's all b.s.

You have permission, no, you have the right, to take up space and be your beautiful self.  Whatever that looks like for you.  No one else gets to define what beautiful is for you.  Or who you will be. 
Celebrate your life, celebrate your beauty.  Maybe for the first time.  Maybe it's just been awhile. 
A whole new world opens up for you when you say yes to yourself. 
I'm here to help you and guide you through all posing and give you direction during your entire shoot.  To help you feel comfortable being yourself and reflect that beauty and power back to you through your gorgeous portraits. 

I would love to talk with you about creating a shoot just for you! Contact me today for your complimentary consultation.