When Was the Last Time You Saw Yourself as Beautiful?

portrait of woman in blush tulle dress and red lipstick in new braunfels portrait studio

When was the last time you did something just for yourself?  Doesn’t have to be any big thing, just something that you did solely because it made you happy?  I know I certainly don’t make myself a priority enough; it’s something I’m working on.  And a lot of women I talk to are in the same boat.  We have to do better.

When was the last time you saw yourself as beautiful? Were you taught to believe that acknowledging our own beauty somehow diminished you as a good person… Or have you compared yourself to others for so long that you can no longer see yourself as beautiful just as you are?

It has to stop.  I am giving you permission to look at yourself through the lens of love, and to see yourself as a beautiful being, full of life and interests and perspectives that are unique to you. 

And that, my dear, is beautiful

You are your own standard of beauty.  Let no one else tell you that your beauty can only be gauged by someone else’s, and by all means don’t do that yourself. 

I love photographing women, reflecting their beauty back to them through portraits.  Emily came down from Austin to do a shoot in the studio with this amazing dress recently and we had so much fun!  Who doesn’t love a twirly dress?! 

I would love the chance to talk with you about planning a photoshoot just for you!  Contact me today for a consultation and let’s chat!

portrait of woman in pink tulle dress new braunfels portrait studio

Dia de los Muertos Photoshoot | New Braunfels Photographer


Lisa and Greg | Celebrate Relationships with Beautiful Portraits