Erin Valkner Photography

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Minimalism | How to be Blissfully Happy

3/52 {Minimalism} This is the only piece of jewelry I wear, given to me by my mother for my first Mother’s day.  My wedding band is tattooed; I just don’t wear accessories, save this necklace. 

There’s something so satisfying about letting go of things.  About only keeping around you the things that make you happy.  With less stuff to clutter your life, there’s more time to be present. When you are present, you only need the one thing you are doing in that moment.

We tend to collect things, with the intent to utilize them or admire them, but in reality much of it goes unused most of the time, or sitting on a shelf collecting dust.  Being intentional and present with your time, means focusing on what you truly love.  And that most likely requires less items than you realize. 

Everything else is clutter. 

Late last year, I realized how overwhelmed I’d become with stuff.  My physical and mental space was cluttered, past the point that’s in any way, shape, or form, comfortable for me.  My anxiety was so heavy I struggled to keep my head above water. 

So I’m taking action. It’s been a bit here and there, but now it’s time to purge big time.  It’s been a few years since I got rid of just about everything, but it’s time.  Time to be intentional, present, and peacefully and blissfully happy.