1/52 {Changing}

With the start of a new year, I’m very much looking forward to picking up my Project 52 again.  Finding beauty in everyday life and taking the time to create at least one image a week just for me; it’s incredible the amount of joy it’s brought into my life the past few years.

2018 provided me some significant lessons, one of them being the importance of maintaining balance in my life and practicing self-care.  The areas I struggle with the most now have my full undivided attention, and I am so ready for 2019. 

Isn’t it an amazing and miraculous thing that we have the capacity for change?  That who we are as a person is not static and unchanging, but fluid and dynamic, changing, evolving and growing as we navigate through life.  I’m in awe of the opportunities before us a human beings living in this time in history.  I’m grateful, I’m inspired, and I’m ready for everything that this year will bring! 

Cheers to a new year! 


Kelly Beck | Boss Babe of New Braunfels


Cheers to a New Year!