Wanna Know the Key to Having a Solid Relationship?

32/52 {Texture} The theme for my personal photography project this week is “Texture”.

Having been married to a mechanically inclined car guy for the last 15 years, there’s never a shortage of interesting textures, with car parts, motorcycle parts, tools, nuts, bolts, you name it, all over the place.  Stepping into his garage is a treasure trove of interesting objects, colors, textures, sounds, smells… it’s a laboratory of sorts, a place of creation and fabrication.  Yes, sometimes the deep freezer is inaccessible for the pile o’ parts on top of it… if it’s a flat surface, it doubles as a work bench.  Yes, sometimes there’s a carburetor on the kitchen table. No, there is not one spare square inch for storage in the garage, but that’s part of who Joel is. 

Recently, he brought these two ancient dirt bikes home from Michigan, where they’ve been since he was in high school.  And oh yes does he have plans for them! But in the meantime, they’re kind of cool to look at just hanging out. 

Wanna know one of the keys to having a solid relationship?  Accept your partner.  Just as he or she is. Exactly. Without a desire to change them.  And not just accept, but embrace.  I couldn’t imagine Joel any other way. No, you’re not always going to agree, and yes, there might be rough times, but being in a relationship where you can truly be yourself is what’s it’s all about.  Everyone deserves that kind of love.   


Teresa Henke | Life Inspired


Stress Free Family Portraits in New Braunfels, Texas