Say Yes to Life

31/52 {Say Yes to Life}

My brother called me up one day not long ago, and said “Carly and I want to take our wedding photos at the Grand Canyon, are you in?”

My gut said “OMG, when do we leave!”, as my lame ego immediately started in with “You can’t do that… What if you ruin it… What are you thinking… That’s crazy…”  All within a second or two.  Luckily, I made myself say yes.  There was a lot of coordination and planning and packing, but needless to say, it was so much fun, we got some incredible images that they will have forever to remember such a special and momentous time in their life, and I got to see the GRAND CANYON for the first time, with my kiddo!

After living practically my entire life holding back and playing small, I’m making a point now to try to say yes more often.  Where maybe before I would have come up with excuses or talked myself out of trying something, I try to say yes, and just go for it. 

By saying yes and pushing myself, I’m amazed at what I’m capable of.  Until fairly recently, something out of my comfort zone was usually a definite no.  Now, though still hesitant or unsure or myself, I will say yes, and make it happen.  I may have to learn on the fly or not be able to do something as perfectly as I’d like, but that’s how you learn and grow, by pushing yourself beyond your current limits. 

And that, my friend, is how you save yourself from perfectionism, which is really just fear holding you back and a compulsion for a sense of control.  But trying new things and finding your way through it is the way to growth, messy or uncomfortable as it may be at first.  And I promise you, it gets easier and easier and easier.  Just take that first little baby step and trust that there will be ground underneath you as you make your path. 

It was been unbelievably amazing to me how much opportunity is out there, literally just waiting for you to open up to it.  It blows me away, and makes me so happy. 

(and not to worry, I'll be posting tons of photos from their wedding sessions soon!)

Horsehoe Bend, Arizona

Horsehoe Bend, Arizona

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Lockett Meadow, Arizona 

Lockett Meadow, Arizona 

Grand Canyon, my brother Jerome

Grand Canyon, my brother Jerome

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Little Man and Maman

Little Man and Maman

Cathedral Rock, Arizona 

Cathedral Rock, Arizona 


Stress Free Family Portraits in New Braunfels, Texas


This is 36... Bring It!