Erin Valkner Photography

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This is 36... Bring It!

30/52 {This is 36… Bring it}

For this week’s installment of my personal photography project, I’m highlighting the fact that I’m turning 36 years old.  That’s right, it’s my birthday!  And I couldn’t be happier!  

I am celebrating another year.  And celebrating that the best is yet to come.  I don’t believe in feeling badly about growing older.  People like to make up all sorts of things to worry and fret about… wrinkles, grey hair, aging bodies and faces… Well, I’m damn happy to have breath in my lungs and to wake up to another day!  Seriously. 

I do have a bit of grey hair, and I’m alive and well. 

I do have wrinkles, and I’m alive and well. 

I notice that my body is aging, and I’M ALIVE AND WELL

It took me a really long time to be ok with myself.  Like a really long time…  Just a few years ago to be exact, and I already told you how old I am.  But let me tell you what… I love myself now.  I’m a work in progress, and I’m not perfect, and I love me.  I will never stop pushing to be a better version of myself.  I will never stop learning and growing and creating.  And I am alive and well. 

There is no time in this life to waste a moment on worrying about petty things and holding ourselves back.  There’s only now.  Right this moment.  You have to show the world what you’ve got.  We need you. 

But first you have to love yourself.   It’s absolutely necessary to finding peace in this life.  It’s not difficult either.  You just have to take the first step toward showing yourself some grace.  And then it gets easier and easier… I promise. 

If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here.  Seriously. 

There is endless opportunity around us.  Endless beauty.  We are walking talking miracles and we should wake up to that fact and act like it. 

Love to you all,
