Slow Down

This week’s theme for my personal photography project: 

28/52 {Slow Down}

Ok, so everyone knows that you should take time to slow down from time to time, even if we maybe don’t practice it as regularly as we should.  I know that it’s important to slow down and pay attention to the little things that each moment brings.  I try to do it every day as much as possible.  To be present and grateful... Yoga helps.  So does having a little one.  They are pretty much always in the moment.  

That being said, it is so easy to get caught up getting stuff done and being busy.  Whether you are making serious progress toward your goals or you’re just busy for the sake of being busy. 

I have a tendency to respond to the Universe with, “Well, a Big Fat, No-Thank-You to That!”, when it starts giving signals to slow down a bit.  And that, my friends, is when Life generally throws something onto my path that forces me to SLOW THE HELL DOWN

Then I say, “Ok.  I get it.”  And I get to work on whatever needs attention. 

I used to rage against whatever it was…being angry and frustrated and feeling like a victim.  Wallowing in my misery.  Now, I’m better able to acknowledge whatever’s in front of me and move forward. 

You don’t have to agree with or love what’s happening, you just have to take responsibility for what you can control… your thoughts and actions.  Breathe in and breathe out.  Do what you can to move forward and take things one moment at a time. 

You can do this.  Whatever lies in front of you is no match for what lies within you. Even in your darkest moments, there is always light, and know that others are reaching out to you ready to pull you up.  


Soaking Up These Summer Days


Amanda | New Braunfels Portrait Studio Session