How to Find Yourself In a World of Distorted Reality

26/52 {Distortion}

This week’s theme for my personal photography project is “Distortion”.  In today’s digital world especially, it can be difficult to decipher what is true and what is a distorted reality.  I had some fun with Photoshop for the images this week, but on a more serious note, they also serve to show how easily things can become extremely distorted.

The world can be a scary and disorienting place.  It’s easy to lose yourself… to feel like a victim to circumstance and far from where you intended to be.  To feel like you are not enough and need to change something about yourself in order to be ok. 

I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way.  There is a whole wide world that is beautiful and empowering and fun and full of limitless potential.  There can be peace within that brings contentment, love and connection.  That gives your soul purpose and shines like a light into the darkness of this world. 

If there is no clear set out path before you to a better life, make one.  Find a way.  I promise you that if you just take that first step, the next one will be a tiny bit easier, and the next even more so, and on and on, until one day you will look back and wonder why you ever wasted so much time struggling to keep your head above the waters of self-doubt.  Just making the decision to let go of what’s holding you back, is a first step.  Deciding to stop showing yourself anything but love, that you will do what you can each and every day to make the world a better place, to show love and kindness, to commit to finding ways to improve your current conditions…. Just start.  Know that there are others that have found a way and are reaching their arms toward you just waiting for you to grasp their hand.  And never forget to reach back and help others up, once you’ve found your way. 


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