Portrait of my Mother

“Mother” has to be one of the most demanding jobs on earth.  It brings tremendous joy and love, as well as heartache and frustration.  We want what’s best for our babies and tirelessly work to provide for their needs, guiding them through each stage of life as they grow up and create their own lives.     

My mama is one of the hardest working people I know.  She did her best to raise us on little more than a hope and a prayer, and I know she’ll always be there for me. 

I’ve done a portrait session with her in the past, but we finally were able to do another and I’m so happy to share my beautiful Maman with you all! 

If you don’t have a portrait of your mother, we need to set one up right away!  And mamas, make sure your children have portraits of you.  One day, they will go looking for you in photographs and you must be there for them! 

And not just selfies (although those are good too!), but real, honest-to-goodness, gorgeous and lovely portraits that showcase the beautiful woman that you are. 

So without further ado, ma Maman:


Double Exposure | Reality is What You Make of It


Get in the Frame, Ladies!