Paleontologist in the Making

14/52 {ISO 2000}

This week’s theme for my personal photography project is "ISO 2000".  In film photography, ISO refers to the sensitivity of the film, or how sensitive the film is to light.  So the higher the ISO, the less light you need to obtain correct exposure.  There’s a trade-off for being able to shoot in low light, of course, and it’s more grain, or “noise” in your image.  I, for one, adore the look of grain in a photograph and don’t mind it one bit. 

These days, digital cameras still use the term ISO, but instead of meaning film sensitivity, it now refers to the camera sensor’s sensitivity to light.  And the days of maxing out at 1600 ISO are long gone.  There is a Canon camera that can go all the way up to a whopping 4 million ISO.  That means it can see in the dark, folks.  Amazing.  It’ll cost you at least $20,000 though, not including a lens. 

Back to real life now!  My cameras can shoot in pretty low light which is perfect when I want to take a photo in our house that has very little window light. 

Little Man got this dino dig kit as a Christmas gift and he’s been hard at work.  He is a true paleontologist, taking his time and making sure not to break any fossils.  He takes his work seriously! 


Family Fun Day!


Beauty is Everywhere & Life is an Infinite Abundance of Miracles