Erin Valkner Photography

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Beauty is Everywhere & Life is an Infinite Abundance of Miracles

Would you believe I took this photo of my Easter candy-fueled, six year old niece while she was running around & playing outside?

There is beauty, stunning beauty, everywhere, all of the time and in every moment.  No matter what may be happening around us.  

Always be on the lookout for it, and life becomes an infinite abundance of miracles. 

It’s so disheartening to me that most people cannot see their own beauty, especially women, and especially, especially moms.  We get so focused on what we wished we looked like, or had, or could do better, that we forget that each and every one of us is a miracle of life and a beautiful soul. 

Your presence, your being; that is what makes you beautiful.  That is what shines through.

I see you.  And your beautiful presence.  And so do your loved ones.  Let me reflect it back to you, so that you may see yourself as others see you. 

Beautiful and perfect, just as you are, now.