What Does Your Headshot Say About You?

Does your headshot show your clients a glimpse of your personality?  Does it tell them you are professional, competent and respectable?  Does your headshot relay that you take what you do seriously?  It absolutely should!  

Making sure you have a professional headshot can do wonders for relaying your message to potential clients and customers.  Showing them who they’ll be doing business with helps you to stand out from the crowd. 

One of the many reasons I love doing head shot sessions is that I get to meet so many fantastic people!  Hearing someone talk about what they do with passion is so empowering and always makes my day. 

Meet Christy.  She’s a professional beauty consultant who needed updated head shots for her business cards.  She’s in the business of helping women take care of their skincare needs, and look and feel beautiful.  She is amazing at what she does and would love to help you feel and look fantastic too!

Check out her website and find her on Facebook today.


Uninhibited Spirit


This Little Light of Mine