A Priceless Heirloom

As the years go by and families grow, we often find ourselves living miles and miles apart from our loved ones.  Whenever you have the opportunity to gather together with loved ones you might not often see, you should schedule a photographer!  It’s a must!!   

At Thanksgiving this past year, my family gathered together at Nana’s house.  Amazingly, all of my siblings and cousins on this side of the family were able to make it for the day.  This is no small feat.  There’s a lot of us! 

When you have this many relatives gathered in one place, you best document it with a photograph! All posterity will thank you for it!!

With the help of a tripod and a remote shutter, I was able to document this gathering of multiple generations for all of us to remember for years to come.   

The next time you are planning to have your family together, whether it is a holiday, reunion, birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc., why not commemorate it through portraits? 

Contact me today to plan out photographing your next family gathering!  


This Little Light of Mine


Good Morning, Batman!