Erin Valkner Photography

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Here’s to feeling better and taking on the world!

5/52 {Liquid}

This week was a bit rough, as we call came down with the flu.  Not fun.  Today, we’re feeling much, much better! The house is clean, the laundry is almost done and we are ready to start fresh with a new week!  Whew!

Sometimes it’s so hard to slow down, and there’s nothing like feeling crummy to force you to do just that.  I struggle to do just that sometimes… slow down and be mindful.  I’m getting better.  But I’m still a work in progress.  Trying to take things as they come, and have a grateful attitude.  It does make a difference.  As a mom, taking time for yourself can seem out of reach, but it’s also something I’m trying to do more of.  Even if it’s just grabbing a coffee and taking a minute to plan out the week, it makes a world of difference in feeling recharged and ready to start the week!

So here’s to feeling better and taking on the world!