Baseball with Dad

4/52 {Black and White}

This week's theme for my project 52, is "Black and White".  There’s something about a black and white photograph that just gives it a timeless feel.  No matter the subject, any distractions seem to fall away. 

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if things were black and white?  I’m not so sure… On one hand you would have definite answers to questions that leave us feeling desperate, and on the other hand there would be no mystery.  Can you imagine?  A world without faith, and possibly a world without hope.  Part of the unique experience of Life as a human is that we get to participate in this mystery.

Life exists mostly in the “grey” area.  We best embrace it.  Live each moment as fully and completely as we are able and soak up every last bit of our loved ones.  We’d be smart to take a lesson from children and love fully and don’t hold back. 

A little baseball with dad before dark. 


Here’s to feeling better and taking on the world!


Valentine’s Day Boudoir Minis