Married to a Car Guy

2/52 {From the Car}

My husband is a car guy.  It’s what he does in his spare time.  Builds cars.   He’s always got at least one project going, usually more.  It’s a fairly common thing at our house to have some dismantled part of a car on the coffee table whilst Joel and Little Man tinker with it, as a car show plays on the TV.  I just asked our son what we should get dad for his birthday next month, and without missing a beat, the four year old sage said, “Car parts!”

He know his dad so well!  He’s also fairly adept at working on cars already, and helped rebuild his first carburetor when he was two…

I don’t think “hobby” quite encompasses it really.  It’s more like a lifestyle or way of being.  I’m not kidding when I say, he lives and breathes it. 

From the beginning of our relationship, I understood this and it has made all the difference.  

I myself have learned more than I ever imagined possible about the mechanics and physics of the combustion engine, automobiles, turbochargers, horsepower, and the like. 

Cars are part of who he is, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. 


Do you have a beautiful family portrait?


Cheers to New Beginnings!